Sunday, July 10, 2011

i may need to change the name of my blog...

If anyone read my last post it's not surprising that I've been struggling with feeling motivated. I've been doing some reflecting and realized that I am putting way too much mental energy into thinking about how I eat (is this healthy/unhealthy, feeling guilty if I eat something bad, etc). I don't want to diet. I hate dieting. I love food and I hate feeling deprived. I went out to eat last week with my dad, aunt, and grandmother. While we were out we stopped at a really cute little market in Vienna. It had lots of local, fresh produce and organic meats. I was browsing around and talking to my aunt and she was telling me about a book she's reading, "Eat to Live" by Dr. Fuhrman. So of course I went home and downloaded it on my Kindle and started reading it (the whole premise is that people should eat only foods with a high nutrient density...duh). I'm only on the second chapter, but it's helped me come to a pretty important conclusion: I'm not going to diet anymore.

A few years ago I lost a good amount of weight because I started running for the first time in my life. At the time, I was also reading Bob Greene's book, "The Best Life Diet," which is all about making lifestyle changes rather than dieting. I applied most of the principles in that book to my life and naturally lost weight. Since that time I've had a hard time losing any more weight because now it's more about toning my body and losing the rest of the fat that seems to want to stick around!

So, I've made a new plan. No more diets. No more counting WW points. No more strict vegetarian...I had chicken last night for the first time and I plan on eating some chicken, although sparingly. And I only plan to buy chicken that I know comes from a good place. We bought this chicken from a farmer's market in old towne Alexandria where we talked to the farmer and he told us exactly how the chicken was raised and killed (he does all the processing himself). It was very yummy and I felt good about eating it.

So here's my new plan:
-I will eat mostly vegetarian foods but incorporate some chicken into my meals (bought locally and organic)
-I will measure out portions (which I've gotten better at thanks to WW...if I don't measure I swear I could sit down and eat an entire pound of pasta)
-I will eat mostly fruits/veggies for snacks (another good WW principle)
-I will try to eat slowly and mindfully
-I will try to avoid processed foods and eat mostly foods that grow from the ground
-I will not count calories or points
-If I want something sweet, I will have something healthy like fruit and yogurt etc
-If I want something unhealthy, I will have it in moderation
-I will try to exercise 3-5 times per week, but I will not get down on myself if I don't follow p90x rigidly (so if I want to run a few times a week I will do that instead)
-I will try to buy mostly local, fresh foods

Now I'm sure people reading this (if anyone reads this) are thinking DUH. But it's not easy for me, or for a lot of people I'm sure. It's so simple to want a quick fix like a diet, but they are so hard to follow in the long-term. I will not be counting points for the rest of my life, so what's the point now (haha no pun intended)? I feel good about this because I know I'm doing what's right for my body and what will help me feel good physically. Hopefully weight loss is a by-product of this new lifestyle but I'm doing this to be healthy, not just to lose weight.

Here are a few things we've already been eating that coincide with my new lifestyle: =)
-TONS of fresh greens, including Chinese broccoli, baby bok choy, and collards (sauteed in garlic and olive oil)
-baby red potatoes with rosemary
-whole roasted chicken
-fresh tomato salad with onions, basil, and balsamic vinegar
-fresh cantaloupe, watermelon, mango, and peaches
-soy yogurt with a little granola and lots of blueberries and blackberries
-wrap with hummus, fresh tomatoes, hearts of palm, and cole slaw

So. That's my new lifestyle. I feel good about it now, but I'm sure tomorrow when I go to work and there are tons of temptations it will be difficult. My plan is just to focus on my health and hopefully everything else will fall into place. =)

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